
2 min readFeb 5, 2021



How are you all?

It has been a while but I am back with something a bit different.

Our first food/diet blog!!!!

I am So happy to be starting this new series on my blog.

On this every other friday we will be talking about food and diet. So without further ado let get into it (I have always wanted to say that).


We all love snacks!

But sometimes we snack a bit to much Don’t try to hide Sally I see you I also use to snack a bit to much ( by a bit I mean a lot).

Now if you want to stop snacking on unhealthy foods and feel that you have and addiction first of all find out why are you actually snacking?

Is it because you are hungry?

If so prepare a nice healthy meal.

Is it because you are bored?

Text or talk to friends or go on a walk or you could even play a board game.

Is it because you are sad are you’ re stress eating?

If this is a case I got you just tell me what up and I will help! If you don’t feel comfortable telling me write it in a diary or talk to the person who upset you or tell a trusted friend or parent /carer.

Now I understand that snacks help when studying or working.

But they are very unhealthy and to many is just eek.
So instead of munching on chocolates or crisps here are some websites that will teach YOU how to make delicious yet healthy snacks.

Well that's all I got for you today I hope you enjoyed what do you want me to talk about next time? Let me know in the comments.

Love you all

Thanks for reading

And keep healthy and happy!!!


blogger girl…going offline




“When life puts you in tough positions don’t say ‘why me’ say ‘try me’